imageFITNESS REGIMEN FOR A NEW MOMMY.  It has been one month since the birth of my daughter and now it’s time to get physical. I promised myself the time to heal and get in a routine with our tiny tot. I figured most people are still on their New Year weightloss kick, so I wanted to share my plan and maybe get a few tips. Here’s my plan:


This Week’s Goals:

1. Walk 3 times per week for 30 minutes.

2. Workout 2 time this week doing calisthenics (push-ups, sit-ups and squats).

3. Eat 4 times a day

4. Drink 100oz of water per day

5. Sleep for at least 4-5 consecutive hours per day.

Weightloss Goals:

1. Measurements: 34-27-38

2. Weight: 150 pounds (I’m not focused on my weight number.)

3. Fit back into my clothes, which range from size 6-8.


Okay, so my goals are set. I will do some food prep tomorrow to make things easy for the week. Here are a few key tips:

Cooking protein for the entire week.

Washing & portioning out fruits & veggie snacks.

Making homemade healthy snacks like trail mix.

Prepping smoothie ingredients in mason jars.

Keeping reusable bottles of water ready to go in the fridge.


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I have decided to take a picture of the body I have now to show accountability and motivate myself. I will be able to see better results by taking a picture in the same outfit each week.

I have managed to shed a good amount of weight and I am excited to finally start exercising!


My beau has decided to join me on my journey. He wants to shed a few pounds he probably picked up supporting me through the pregnancy. This helps me out tremendously, because I won’t have to worry about him eating pizza and ice cream in front of me. We will do workouts together and challenge each other, which is great for us both.


I am not a calorie counter or a food journalist. There’s no reason for me to attempt in doing either one of these, but I am not against taking a picture of what I’m eating each meal. Also, I am not going to go cold turkey on everything delicious. However, I will indulge in moderation. I am hoping by keeping realistic expectations I will have success.

Most importantly, there will be a cheat day or two in the plan. The goal is as the fitness plan gets harder each week and more disciplined, I may not need or want a cheat day.

Well, this is my plan. I know I should sleep more, but we have a newborn baby. I would love feedback, any tips or workout suggestions for a new mother.

Thanks for stopping by!

2 responses to “OPERATION SLIM & TRIM: WEEK 1

  1. I would say the most important thing is to not beat yourself up if you have an off day with eating or not getting a workout in. Do what you can when you can and always listen to your body. You are already on a great track setting and writing down your goals. Congrats on your new little bundle 🙂

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